Friday, February 24, 2006

failed ambition

The medical profession is not for me. My parents has been very supportive in my pursuit to finish BS Med Tech and then proceed to Medicine but I lost interest. Maybe because I got into computers by accident. I was an assistant Hwarangdo instructor back then at Megamall and there is only one year left to finish my course. Usually that one remaining year is dedicated to internships. Unfortunately, I failed 6 out of 7 subjects at the Finals. Bloodbanking was the only subject that was too easy for me (i am bloodthirsty hehe). I'm a very emotional person and needless to say I was having an emotional problem during that time. But FEU-NRMF gave me a chance. I took another set of exams (forgot the term). This time, IF I passed 5 out of the 6 subjects I failed, they will consider me for internship. But there was not enough time to study and review (if you can imagine how thick our manuals and references are). Still I passed 4 subjects out of 6. I failed Clinical Chemistry and Pathology. If I can convince one of the Department Heads to give me a passing mark on their subject, I may be able to get the internship. No chance for CC because I got 60% (passing mark should be at least 75%). I got 74.xx in Pathology and I needed to persuade the Head of Pathology Department to reconsider. I can still remember her name, Dr. Linda Tamesis. She's a foreigner which made it more complicated for me to convince her. She was about to agree that I deserved the internship when the secretary from Clinical Chemistry came knocking at her door and when she saw me, she immediately told Dr. Tamesis that I failed CC. I was so frustrated and did not know what to do then. (ironically, some years later, they were the ones asking me to repair their computers needed for a similar exam I took hahahaha and they paid me)

The following semester was too boring because I only had two subjects. My sched was only 2 hours every Tuesdays and Thursdays. I decided to get more active with martial arts. I did TaiChi Mondays thru Saturdays 6-8 am. Hwarangdo M-W-F 7-9pm, Arnis T-TH-S after my class 2-4pm, and WuShu Sundays whole day. Now, here was the turning point of my life. Since I have lots of free time, I decided also to get a job. My mentor and Hwarangdo instructor (Armand Silvestre) turned out to be a business owner. He sell and repair computers. He recruited and trained me. I went to lots of seminars where he was supposed to be the attendee I never realized the importance of those seminars to my present job because my only goal then was to learn computers, finish the semester and undergo internship. I did not take note of the Seminar names and dates and even took for granted those certificates I got ( I just left them at the office). Some of the seminars were related to AGP, Network Switches, MMX (these are emerging technologies before), networking, computer repair, assembly, configurations, etc, etc (my favorite portion of those seminars were the breaks because there are lots of food hehe).

Wow this is getting longer. Nakakapag-isip din pala ng mga bagay bagay kapag me blog na ganito. Saka na lang siguro yung ibang kuwento. Dami pa namang araw.

*** I was training as a CareGiver in the province when these shots were taken. I had to give it up after 5 months even when there was only one month left. Then I went to Manila to get a job.

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